Friday, October 30, 2009


Notice anything different about stardoll? Well, since a few days ago, if you haven't already noticed our stardollar a day has been terminated. This strike isn't official yet, but on NOVEMBER 16TH, is when the strike might take place.

Also the idea of spamming the stardoll peoples inbox might d the trick.

Happy halloween! X

P.S I'm thinking of a new playlist. Any ideas for songs?
Evacuate the dancefloor
MJ songs

Monday, October 26, 2009


My presentation of my page.
Click to enlarge...

Friday, October 2, 2009


YES, on this blog there are some new writing positions opening, because i've realised I can't keep this blog running on my own.

JUST EMAIL,, say your stardoll username, boy or girl, and send a banner (A picture with your stardoll username and medoll on) or I can make you one and send it you if you can't make one yourself. AND also, the vital part (=]) send me a short blog article on the new Kimora Lee Simmons Real Celeb and a V. short review (like, I think this store is well good!), BUT IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, SEND IT IN THE EMAIL, INSTEAD OF DOING SOMETHING WRONG, BUT ILL TELL YOU ANYWAYS :) lol

I'll chose some people when I get some replys =]

I have a trapped nerve/ crick neck, so i might not be on as often for a few days/ week, because it really hurts :( (how do you cure it? comments please! lol)

Good luck everyone!